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Ionithermie 30-Day Detox Slim Kit

If you're sick and tired of orange peel skin, this system is for you!  As the #1 solution for getting rid of cellulite in Europe, the Ionithermie 30 Day Detox Slim Kit is extremely effective at fighting those ugly lumps and bumps.  In fact, it has been clinically proven to promote a loss of inches and skin toning.  The complete system includes 6 products in total including a body brush to encourage exfoliation and lymphatic drainage.  Skin is cleansed and prepared with the Tonic Silhouette Toner, a pack of A + B Ampoules assists with improving circulation, Aferligne Lotiion works to firm the skin while Afina Gel promotes slimming and toning.  Finally, the skin is soothed and moisturized by a Lait Pour Le Corps.  If you're serious about cellulite reduction, you owe it to yourself to give this proven, power-packed system a try.

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